Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Reading!! Woo Hoo!!

It's summer and even though we do a school year round, summer is the time of reading programs and contests everywhere from the library to the local grocery and book stores!  Every year we sign up for reading programs and I also do one of my own creating.

This year I challenged Makiah to read twenty books outside of her school work and for school reading.  It's a lot.  But I know that she can do it.  I have challenged Sam to read 50, yes 50 early reader books.  Again, it's a lot, but I think he can do it.

This summer I have challenged myself to spend more time reading in the evenings.  I have a gazillion (I tend to exaggerate) ebooks downloaded on my iPad Kindle app that need reading and this summer I am going to commit more time to reading and less time to whatever else I do to enjoy the quiet of after kids bedtime hours.  Did that make sense?  Not a very "educated" sentence, but other moms and homeschool moms will understand.  ~Laughter~

So here it is:

One Homeschool Mom's Summer Reading List:

Homeschooly type books:
  • Homeschooling Boys by Tina Razzell 
  • Simply Homeschool by Karen Debeus
Business and Productivity type books:
  • Nut Job by Micah Moss
  • How to Make Money with Pinterest
  • The Organized Kitchen by Brette Sember
Wifely Type Books:
  • The Titus 2 Woman by Susan Godfrey
  • The Good Wife's Guide
Parenting Type Books:
  • Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson
  • Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson
  • Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Books for Pure Enjoyment:
  • This Happens Every Spring by Gary Chapman and Catherine Palmer
  • A Dropped Stitches Wedding by Janet Tronstad
  • Shadows of Lancaster County by Mindy Starns Clark
  • A Lasting Impression by Tamera Alexander (just need to finish this one, already started it)
  • Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin
This is a long list considering all the things I have on my plate (it's more like a platter it's so big), but I think it's doable and I'm excited to try.  Also I will review most, if not all the books here so I can share with all three of you faithful readers.  ~Laughter~

I will also update you on the kids summer reading experiences and how school is going.  

What are you reading this summer?  Anything fun or exciting or informative? 

Well, I should stop now, looking at this list. . . I need to go read.