Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Long School Year

I feel like this school has gone on forever!!  I started out the year really pumped and ready, but for some reason my pumpedness, pumped out too quickly.  Then Makiah got really, really sick and now I'm having surgery for a gall bladder that decided to go rogue.  So needless to say, I'm ready for the school year to be done (no where near done!!) because I have decided that we are in a rut!  That's right and I'm going to de-rut us.

We are going to change curriculums!!  This is huge because I have been using this curriculum since day one of homeschooling, mostly because it's what I knew.  I had no idea seven years ago how many curriculums were out there.  I'm bored with this one, it feels so confining.  And I have being doing supplemental work with it to make it more fun but then we don't get all our book work done.  So I'm switching it up and stepping way out of my comfort zone!  But I'm ready for it and very excited.  I have pretty much figured out all the curriculum's for each kidlet and I'm ready to start hunting out gently used copies and saving up the cash for purchasing this summer.

Also next fall our homeschool group will be starting up a co-op.  I have volunteered and I'll be teaching 1st and 2nd grade Social Studies!  I'm over the moon excited about working with a class of kiddos having fun while learning and also giving my kids a chance to be in some different classes too!  Win-win!!  I love history and geography so this is the perfect class for me to be teaching, because I love the subject and the craftiness that goes along with it!

So how are we going to make the rest of this year exciting??  Well I'm open to suggestions, so please comment away.  But I'm also going to do more lapbooking with the youngers and Makiah will start working on her project for the fair in April.  We will just plow through the rest of the work for this year and keep focused.

Hopefully, with all the excitement of the coming school year, it will just fly by?!?  Maybe?!?  Here's hoping!  ~Smile~

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