Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whew!! I Need to Update Here!!

Wow!  What a semester this has turned out to be!  Since the last post, co-op is in its last four weeks of the semester, Makiah has been in the hospital twice and had a major operation, we have gotten so off that 'ideal' schedule that I can't even believe that is how we started out!!

Let me back up.

Makiah had to have a complete colectomy.  She basically spent the month of September in the hospital and therefore basically no school work was accomplished!  Thank goodness for documentaries and educational programming!

All the kids are doing great, we aren't as on track as I would like for us to be, but we are doing good as far as hours.  We will spend December getting caught up and prepare for her second surgery.

I ordered a new program I am going to try out with Daniel.  He is just not taking to the A Beka way of doing things.  I am so glad I have learned to be more flexible!!  I ordered this book and I think it's going to work well for us.  Some days I think he just doesn't want to do the work and other days I think we may truly be dealing with a developmental delay or learning disability.  Time will tell.

All in all everyone is doing well and I am pleased with their progress, considering their mama changed up every single thing about our homeschool!!  {Laughter}

Finally, I want to share a link with you that I love!!  I love getting things for free and most homeschool families I know do too!!  Contented Home compiled a list for us all to use, links for free Kindle books!!    I love using my Kindle app and getting FREE books.  Yay!!

Okay, next post will be all about Five In a Row and my love for it!!  I hope you all are having a great school year this far!!


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